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References Details

Kindermann GmbH

„We are very happy to have SEP as a suitable partner for our backup solutions."

Kindermann is an innovative vendor for presentation and conference technologies for high quality and userfriendly solutions. The broad portfolio is one of the biggest in Europe. Kindermann provides a a broad product portfolio from beamer to a complete equipment of a conference room which is mostly developed and produced by Kindermann.  Kindermann as a vendor takes care of its distributors and partners with competent consultancy and indvidual project support – from the planning phase to the integration with attractive specials services.

„We are happy to have found with SEP the optimal partner for our backup solutions. If there are any problems, we have access to their well-organized wiki. Even with more complex problems, such as an infection with crypto trojans, SEP was able to provide us with advice and support." says René Rügamer, IT Administrator at Kindermann GmbH 

2 Ransomware attacks were successfully overcome in each case without any problems thanks to a fast and reliable recovery. The security concept was further refined to create more granularity and achieve greater retention.
